Evaluating tablet splitability by calculating loss of mass

Tablets may be manufactured with one or more scores, serving a useful purpose in facilitating the splitting of the tablet into smaller portions when a full tablet is not required for a dose. Consistent scoring ensures that patients can conveniently adjust the dosage as needed.

One criterion that new products with scores must adhere to is tablet splitability, which is measured at both ends of the proposed hardness range. To accomplish this, it is necessary to test 15 tablets to ensure that the loss of mass between the individual segments, when compared to the whole tablet, is less than 3.0 percent.

Download our loss of mass calculator below to easily evaluate tablet splitability.

Loss of Mass Calculator Preview

To use this, just enter the weights of the whole and split tablets in the respective columns as shown in the example above. The template automatically calculates the loss of mass for each tablet and flags any value that exceeds the recommended 3.0%.

This template saves you valuable time by automating calculations. Additionally, it provides a convenient way to identify any tablets that did not pass the test. The resulting table can also be utilized for generating reports and creating presentations.

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Tablet Scoring Guidance for Pharmaceutical Analysis


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