Excel Errors and How to Fix Them


Most common errors in Excel:

  • #DIV/0!

  • #VALUE!

  • #####

  • #NULL!

  • #NUM!

  • #NAME?

  • #REF!

  • #N/A


Reason: Dividing by zero or an empty cell.

How to Fix: Replace zero (or empty cell) with correct value.


Reason: Data contains text (invalid type).

How to Fix: Replace text with (number) correct value.


Reason: Column width is too small.

How to Fix: Extend column width to fit cell value.


Reason: Invalid range syntax.

How to Fix: Update cell range with the correct separator.


Reason: Invalid numeric data.

How to Fix: Check data or formulas to correct invalid numeric value.


Reason: Incorrect formula name/spelling.

How to Fix: Check spelling of formula name, or use insert function to lookup correct formula name.


Reason: Cell reference does not exist.

How to Fix: Update the formula or click undo (Ctrl + Z) if data was accidentally deleted.


Reason: Value was not found in the data.

How to Fix: Check that the lookup value is in the data or that the lookup value entered is correct (i.e. group C instead of group 3).

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