Which Type of Chart or Graph is Right for You?

In this article, we will talk about the 4 basic chart or graph types and when to use them.

Anatomy of a Chart:

shows the main parts of a chart or graph

Most Common Types of Charts and Graphs:

  • Column Charts

  • Line Charts

  • Pie Charts

  • Scatter (X,Y) Charts

Let’s look at each one more closely!

Column Chart

Use column charts to COMPARE values across categories.

how column chart is used

A few tips on column charts:

  • Sort your categories to highlight high vs. low values.

column chart tip - sort your data
  • Switch row/column based on the category you are comparing. Click the SWITCH ROW/COLUMN button to flip the categories.

column chart tip - switch your category labels
column chart tip - switch your category labels

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Types of column charts and when to use them:

  • Stacked Column - use stacked column if the COMBINED VALUE per category is important for your comparison.

stacked column chart
  • 100% Stacked Column - use 100% stacked column to compare %COMPOSITION per category instead of values.

100% stacked column chart
  • Bar Chart - a bar chart is just a column chart shown horizontally.

bar chart

Note: Use bar chart if the axis labels are too long to fit in a column chart.

bar chart tip

Line Charts

Use line charts to show TREND or how the values change over time.

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A few tips on line charts:

  • Plot multiple line charts to compared trends across different categories.

  • Too many lines make the chart unreadable. Limit to the lines that will highlight your story.

Types of line charts and when to use them:

  • With Markers - add markers to show exactly where the data points are along the line.

  • Area Chart - use area chart to emphasize the magnitude of change over time.

  • Stacked Area - use stacked area to highlight the TOTAL VALUE and to show overall trend.

  • 100% Stacked Area - use 100% stacked area to show the trend of % COMPOSITION.

Pie Charts

Use pie charts to show % COMPOSITION of data across categories.

A few tips on pie charts:

  • Order your categories clockwise, starting with the largest slice from the top.

  • Too many categories make the chart difficult to read.

  • Limit the number of slices or combine smaller slices into a new category.

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Types of pie charts and when to use them:

  • 3D Pie Chart - do not use 3D pie charts. Slices may appear smaller or larger than what they should be.

  • Doughnut Chart - use a doughnut chart to compare % composition between data sets.

Scatter (X,Y) Plots

Use scatter plots to show the relationship or CORRELATION between two variables.

A few tips on scatter plots:

  • Add a trendline to show the pattern that best explains the relationship of the variables.

  • More data points would result to a better fit of a line.

  • Plot multiple scatter plots to compare correlation between two sets of data.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to reach us by clicking here.


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